It’s not just the landscape that snow changes, but a whole outlook on life

It’s not just the landscape that snow changes, but a whole outlook on life

The dog has gone slightly mad. Astonished every morning that her territory has been transformed into a sparkling white playground, she bounds through the snow, her nose acting as a snowplough. Normally rather ladylike when it comes to creature comforts, she ignores the cold, the wet, the fact that balls of ice hang from her… Continue reading It’s not just the landscape that snow changes, but a whole outlook on life

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The hidden terrors of the countryside

It is time for town-dwellers to be very brave. We are about to venture into the perilous unknown. There is a place, according to no less an authority than the director-general of the National Trust, which is “alien” and “full of unfamiliar, unexpected things”. Today’s generation, Dame Fiona Reynolds has warned, “runs the risk of… Continue reading The hidden terrors of the countryside

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