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The old year seemed to take an age to reach the exit, but now it’s gone  – good riddance, frankly  –  and 2025, The Year of Thinking Optimistically, is here.

The big, wide world may be full of woe but, in my little musical world, there is much to look forward to. In the Spring, I’ll be releasing a new album called  Misfits’ Jubilee. Produced by David Booth, it includes eleven new (and newish) songs and has a simpler, more stripped back than its two predecessors, Playing For Time (2020) and Meanwhile… (2022).

I’ll be introducing the album on this site in the near future but, listening to it now, I’ve been surprised to find that it has a distinctly optimistic vibe, while not skipping over some of life’s grimmer moments. There’s a death song, a having-a-row-with-your-partner song, a jolly little number about people’s annoying habits, and one simply called ‘The Crying Game’.

I’m also looking forward to being out on the road in the coming months, with appearances at the St Neots Folk Club and Uxbridge Folk Club coming up soon. I’ll be performing Old Enough To Know Better for a U3A audience on 12th February and then in early March I’ll be doing a mini-tour of Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Staffordshire. Details on my Gigs page.

I hope you all have a fantastic year of great music and that I’ll be seeing you at one of my gigs soon.



In a recent edition of The Living Tradition, there’s profile of me to tie in with the release of Playing For Time.

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January 9, 2024