My 10 Writer’s Resolutions for 2015

My 10 Writer’s Resolutions for 2015

On a home-alone New Year’s Eve, I find myself sternly noting resolutions to myself for the creative year ahead (the personal resolutions can wait). Of course, they may not work for everyone…   Enjoy yourself at work. Even when it is deadly serious, writing should have a bit of skittishness and fun to it.  … Continue reading My 10 Writer’s Resolutions for 2015

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Love and sex in song – why it helps to be French

I’ve been thinking about song lyrics recently – or, rather, the translation of French song lyrics into English. The folk wisdom among serious translators is what, while French is the more natural language of romance and love, English is more economic, muscular and flexible The first is certainly true. If you doubt the superiority of… Continue reading Love and sex in song – why it helps to be French

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