I’ve never felt more like singing the (solo) blues

I’ve never felt more like singing the (solo) blues

I am feeling a little bit jilted. An important relationship has recently come to an end. Already I find I am missing the old familiar things we did – our meetings once or twice a week, our plans, our outings, the way things changed between us over time.  It has been a couple of weeks… Continue reading I’ve never felt more like singing the (solo) blues

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Political incorrectness: a country bumpkin writes…

In a moment of perfect poetic justice, I have recently been on the receiving end of a mild act of political incorrectness within moments of completing a celebration of politically incorrect songs. With my musical partners Derek Hewitson (Suffolk) and Victoria Hart (Whitechapel), I had been performing songs from our show Taboo-Be-Do! at a London… Continue reading Political incorrectness: a country bumpkin writes…

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