Modern love is just lust in the ether

Modern love is just lust in the ether

Like the hula-hoop, skateboarding and computer games, sexting is one of those teenage fads which has spread unexpectedly into the adult world. There was a time when talking dirty by text – or, more challengingly, within the 140-character form of Twitter – appealed mostly to those not getting the real thing. Now, increasingly, the grown-ups… Continue reading Modern love is just lust in the ether

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Spare a thought for Rooney

Anyone who prefers to believe, with Woody Allen, that there is no such thing as bad sex would be advised to avoid a recent interview with one of the two women who have found fame by selling their accounts of going to bed with the footballer Wayne Rooney. The incident which has excited the press,… Continue reading Spare a thought for Rooney

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A grown-up lesson on marriage

With Mr and Mrs Cameron, Mr and Mrs Clegg and Mr and Mrs Brown lining up with their kiddies as competing models of perfect, well-scrubbed domestic contentment, it has been a good moment to receive a sharp lesson in reality from the past. Michael Foot and his wife Jill Craigie were not quite as trim… Continue reading A grown-up lesson on marriage

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